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We believe that homework encourages children to develop good work habits and independent study skills. It provides an opportunity for them to practise and reinforce skills learnt in the classroom.  On this page you will find information about the range of ways we provide homework for your child.

Reading - Bug Club

It is an expectation that your child reads at home at least THREE times a week. Every child has a reading diary, where adults from both home and school can record what your child has read and any other relevant comments.

Our school reading scheme is Bug Club.  We encourage children to read using the online Active Learning platform Bug Club.  The website can be accessed using this link:

Every child has their own username and password.  These can be found in the front of your child's reading diary.  If preferred, some children and parents prefer reading from physical books, if you require this please talk to your child's class teacher.


At Barrow, we use Seesaw as a method of communicating homework to our pupils.  Seesaw is a secure online journal where pupils can add homework, documents and reflect on what they are learning. Your child will be able to upload their work from home including photos, videos, worksheets, screenshots and voice recordings and these will be saved privately in their SeeSaw journals. 

Every child gets their own Seesaw account, to access their account child each child is given a QR code, which they can scan and it will take them to their secure online journal. QR codes can be found at the from of your child's Reading Diary.  Alternatively, you can access Seesaw via the internet at or download the app.

Times Table Rock Stars

 Times Tables Rock Stars is a carefully sequenced programme of daily times tables practice with a rock star theme.  Children from Year 2 upwards will receive a username and passwords for Timetable Rockstars, which can be found in your child's reading diary.   This allows them to practise and prepare for the multiplication check at the end of Year 4. You can access the website using this link or download the app.

Pick and Mix Homework Menus

At the start of each half-term, your child's class teacher will share a 'Pick and Mix Homework Menu' via SeeSaw and the Class webpage.  The activities will be based upon the topics that your child will be covering the forthcoming half-term.

Below is an example of a Pick and Mix Homework Menu.