Junior Leadership Team
"Start children off on the way they should go, and even when they are old they will not turn from it." Proverbs 22:6
At Barrow URC Primary School, the Junior Leadership Team (JLT) plays a pivotal role in fostering a culture of inclusivity and empowering our children to become effective leaders in line with our Christian vision. Recognising the significance of listening to the voices of our children, the JLT provides a platform for them to actively contribute to the school's development, embracing the values of compassion, responsibility, and respect. During the autumn term, each team within the JLT collaboratively set specific targets to work on, ensuring that our Christian principles guide their endeavours. This initiative not only cultivates a sense of responsibility and teamwork but also empowers the children to be active contributors to the realisation of our Christian vision, making their perspectives integral to the continuous improvement of our school community. Please find below a progress reports highlighting the positive strides made by our young leaders
Head boy and girl/ House Captains
Autumn Project - Review and write a child friendly anti-bullying policy
This autumn term, alongside our Happiness Heroes we successfully accomplished our goal of creating a child-friendly anti-bullying initiative. Collaborating with parents, governors, and the Headteacher, we opted for a creative approach, choosing to produce a short film instead of a traditional policy. Recognising that not all children are confident readers, we aimed to deliver our message in a more engaging and accessible manner. Inspired by TikTok, we added a song at the end. Check it out below;
Spring and Summer project – Work with Mrs Porter to plan and fundraise for an outdoor gym
Faith Explorers
Autumn Project – To help lead Sunday service at Clitheroe URC
This autumn term, the Faith Explorers decided to participate in a worship service at Clitheroe URC. Collaborating with Reverend Adam, we chose to attend the December service, which was themed around Advent and Christmas. Parents and children attended, with one child performing a reading and another leading a prayer. All of the Faith Explorers then led the congregation in singing 'Glad Tidings.'
Spring Project – To create small bags of beads for Lent Kindness Bracelets
Summer Project – To develop outdoor prayer and reflection in Prayer Garden
Digital leaders
Project: Review Online Safety policy and create a child friendly version
Online Safety video created by the children showing how to stay safe on line. Check this out in the Safeguarding area of our website.
Eco Warriors
Autumn Project – Reduce electricity use in school
The Eco Warriors have worked hard to reduce electricity wastage in school. They led an assembly to make other children aware of the cost of electricity and since then, the Eco Warriors have been monitoring light and computer usage and have been turning off lights that have been left on. They have created posters for around school to spread awareness.
Spring Project - Improve plastic recycling and get plastic recycling bins for around school.
Summer Project - The Big Battery Hunt
Mrs. Roath and our Eco Warriors are tackling the Big Plastic Count by adding large recycling bins to each classroom and the hall. They've also set up a battery collection point. With a £3500 prize for playground equipment on the line, we're eager to gather batteries from home, grandparents, friends, and workplaces. Let's win this!
Creative Champions
Autumn project: To start an Art after school club
The Creative Champions had their first meeting and were asked to do some Pupil Voice research. This involved chatting with their class to find out what they think about Art in Barrow and to note down any ideas. One idea was for an Art Club to start again for KS1 and KS2. Two art clubs have been planned. Mrs Cox is leading the KS1 club and we have a local artist coming into Barrow for Spring 2.
Spring Project: To work with Mrs Baptie to plan and deliver ‘ World Art Day’
Our Creative Champions expressed an interest in being taught in an after school club by a local Artist Gosha Gibek. Over the half term, they were taught about mark making and blending ending in projects of the local area.
Summer Project: To initiate the 'Quick Draw' Lunchtime Art Club from 12.45 - 1pm.
Happiness Heroes
Autumn term project: Review and write a child friendly anti-bullying policy
This autumn term, our Happiness Heroes successfully accomplished our goal of creating a child-friendly anti-bullying initiative. Collaborating with parents, governors, and the Headteacher, we opted for a creative approach, choosing to produce a short film instead of a traditional policy. Recognising that not all children are confident readers, we aimed to deliver our message in a more engaging and accessible manner. Inspired by TikTok, we added a song at the end. Check it out on our Safeguarding page.
Spring Term project : Introduce a new school pet ' Tiny the Tortoise'
Summer Term project: Work with Miss Crossley to create 'Calm Bags' for each classroom and Nurture Hub