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Junior Leadership Team

At Barrow, we firmly believe in fostering authentic leadership opportunities to strengthen our school community and empower our children. These initiatives play a pivotal role in nurturing a sense of school pride and equipping our children with essential leadership skills for their future endeavors. As a United Reformed Church school, it is paramount that our children have a voice and the opportunity to actively contribute to our vision and school's progress. After all, this is their school!

What is The Junior Leadership Team?

The JLT (Junior Leadership Team( is group of pupils who are chosen to represent the views of all children and work together to improve their school so that we ‘can become the best we can be’.

The Junior Leadership Team meet staff regularly and discuss issues that are important to the children. They have an agenda, which they create, and a member of the Junior Leadership Team takes the minutes and another chairs the meeting.

Why do we have a Junior Leadership Team?

  • To improve the school according to the children’s point of view.
  • To make sure the children have a platform to voice their opinions.
  • To discuss and raise issues that matter to the children.

What do we do in our meetings?

The Junior Leaders meet with staff to discuss the action plan for the term. They then meet with their classes to discuss ideas about changes and improvements to our school. During the following meeting, issues are then raised and they discuss how to move forwards with our ideas. They carry out surveys within school to gather pupils’ opinions and then discuss these at our meetings and make decisions about what we need to do next.