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School Meals and Milk


School meals are provided at mid-day for those children who require them.  The meals are freshly cooked in our school kitchen.  Payment for meals is requested in advance and the amount to cover one week’s meals is usually paid via the online Parentpay system by the Friday prior to the week when the meals will be taken. Pre-paid meals, which have been missed due to a child’s absence from school, are credited for at a later date.  The cost is £2.40 per day (£12 per week). 

Any parents/carers who feel that their children may be entitled to free school meals should complete the application form below or alternatively should contact the Area Education Officer to register their details on 01254 220708. 

We offer a flexible approach to school lunches and understand that some children will want to have a school lunch if it is a day that they like the menu. LCC Free School Meals application form

Packed lunches may also be brought. These are eaten in the school hall under supervised conditions. We ask that no bottles or flasks with glass inner sections are brought into school for reasons of safety.

As a healthy school, we feel that each child should be establishing good eating habits and with this in mind we would ask that:-

Parents carefully choose the amounts and types of food and drink each child brings with their packed lunches to ensure a balanced diet is provided. Fruit is allowed at morning playtime. Water bottles can be used by children at all times.

Pupils in KS1 are entitled to subsidised milk, which they are given as part of a milk and fruit break in class before the morning break. Milk must be ordered directly online at at the start of each term, or please contact the school office for a Cool Milk leaflet which contains a freepost.