Larch - Year 2
All About Larch Class
Welcome to Larch Class!
I hope that you have all had a lovely Christmas break and would like to wish you and your families a happy and healthy new year. We have a 6 week half term coming up so please look at the curriculum overview to find out more.
Spring 1 - English core text: Man on the Moon
Spring 1 - Class Novel: The owl who was afraid of the dark
Spring 1 - Maths: Shape, Multiplication & Division, Money
Who's Who?
Class Teachers: Mrs Cox
Teaching Assistant (am): Miss Marsh
Our Timetable
Our PE days are: Tuesday and Wednesday
Please come to school dressed in your PE kit on these days.
Our class library day is: Monday
Please ensure your child brings their school library book in on this day, so that they can change it.
Key Information for Parents
To keep up to date it is vital that parents regularly read our weekly newsletter, which is emailed directly to you on a Friday. This is packed with important information and key dates for your diary.
Reading at Home
Reading is very important and it opens up a world of learning to our children. At Barrow our long term aim is for all children to develop a passion and love of reading, as well as becoming confident readers across the curriculum.
Every child at Barrow will be given a school banded reading book by their class teacher; this will either be on Bug Club or they may receive a physical book. We ask that all children read to an adult THREE times per week and this should be signed and recorded in your child's reading diary. This will be checked weekly by your child's class teacher. In addition, all children will choose their own library book, they can keep the book for ONE week and must return it to school on their allocated library diary. If your child does not return their library book, they will not be able to take another book out.
Bug Club
All children children have access to Bug Club. Your child's class teacher will provide them with a Username, Password and School Code. You can find your child's login details in the front of their reading diary. To access Bug Club you can click on the link below:
Spellings and Spelling Shed
Children from Year 2 to Year 6 get weekly spelling lists to learn. Class teacher's will provide each child with a paper copy of the spelling list and in addition, they will set a host of games or activities to help your child learn their weekly spellings on Spelling Shed. You can find your child's login details in the back of their reading diary.
You can log onto Spelling Shed using the link below:
Timetable Rockstars
Children from Year 3 upwards will receive a username and passwords for Timetable Rockstars. This allows them to practise and prepare for the multiplication check at the end of Year 4.
After School Clubs
Details of termly after school clubs will be displayed on the school's newsletter. To book onto an after school club please contact the school office.