SEND / Pastoral
Special Educational Needs and Disabilities
At Barrow we believe that every child is entitled to a curriculum;
- that enables them to achieve their potential
- that develops the whole child by catering for their social, emotional, physical, intellectual and moral development
- that encourages purpose, self-discipline, independence and community responsibility in a caring and secure learning environment.
Sometimes, despite the class teacher’s support and differentiated planning, some children have difficulty in learning. If this happens we will provide additional help and support. We will discuss this with parents and devise a Teaching and Learning Action Plan (TLAP). This will be reviewed at parents’ evenings and once per term by Special Educational Needs & Disabilities Co-ordinator and the class teacher. Parents will be invited to contribute to the review and any comments will be welcomed.
If, despite this help, we are still concerned that a child is not making progress we will increase the help that is given to a child. We will do this if we feel that a child is falling significantly behind the rest of the class and needs advice and support from professionals not directly employed by the school. We will continue to use TLAPs but they will be more detailed. In a small number of cases where a child meets the Local Education Authority (LEA) criteria for action we will refer the child to the LEA so they can consider making a detailed diagnostic assessment. This will be fully discussed with the parents before hand. For pupils who have an Education, Health and Care Plan, the school will hold statutory reviews and meet all statutory requirements.
We value the help that parents can give us and appreciate them sharing any problems a child may have had previously or during their time with us. Should a parent have concerns about the progress of their child they should discuss them with the class teacher. If there continues to be a cause for concern then this should be brought to the attention of the headteacher. Complaints about the special educational needs provision made by the school should be discussed with the headteacher. In the unlikely event that the headteacher is unable to resolve the complaint, then the parent should write to the School’s SEND Governor.
If a parent would like to read a full copy of the SEND policy then they can borrow one available from the school office. If a parent would like their own copy then this can be arranged.
SEND Provision
Miss Crossley is the SENDCo for our school
All pupils with SEND Support have Teaching and Learning Action Plans (TLAPs) which set clear and achievable targets for each child. Where Pupils are on the 'Additional Needs' register teachers complete a 'Cause for Concern' form which identifies concerns and actions and is then shared with Parents. These are reviewed and updated each term and parents are kept informed of their child’s progress. Pupils with SEND are fully integrated into the school and are able to make progress in line with their capabilities.
Barrow school welcomes all pupils equally and we ensure, through our SEND policy, that no child is treated less favourably than other pupils. Our admissions policy ensures that children with disabilities have suitable arrangements for their admission.
The school has recently carried out an audit of accessibility to the school by those with disabilities. The results of this audit have informed an accessibility plan, which covers future policies for increasing access by those with disabilities to the school. During the year we received outreach support from the SEND Service, Educational Psychology Service, SEND Specialist Teachers, Speech and Language Therapy and Occupational Therapy. All these services have provided input, advice and oversight of Support Assistants in school.
We are excited to introduce the latest addition to our school community – the Nurture Hub, a dedicated space designed to provide invaluable support for children with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND).
The Nurture Hub is a warm, inviting, and nurturing environment where children with SEND can flourish academically, socially, and emotionally. It is a safe haven where every child is celebrated for their unique abilities, and where their individual needs are met with care and compassion.
We invite you to come and have a look, ask questions, and join in with our events! Thank you to the parents who came along to our recent coffee morning. More information about our next one will be shared soon.
SEND policy
see below
SEND Information Report
Barrow Graduated Approach Flow Chart
Graduated Approach
At Barrow, we employ a Graduated Approach for SEND , which ranges from whole class quality first teaching to highly personalised instruction. This approach ensures that all children receive quality teaching, with support becoming more tailored as we gain a better understanding of each child's needs.
Within each step of this continuum, a cycle of assessing, planning, doing and reviewing is ongoing.
We do not assume that a child will always remain on a particular step. They could move up or down the continuum depending on what level of support is best for them at the time. All provision is subject to regular review and parents/carers are invited and expected to contribute to this review process by attending meetings, talking to your child’s class teacher and SENCo and ensuring school are kept informed of any changes to your child’s needs.
SEND & Disability local offer for Barrow U.R.C Primary School
Lancashire Local Offer
Lancashire Local Offer
Please click here to view the Lancashire Local Offer for supporting families of children with SEND